Pavement & pothole purge

Pothole on Hanover Way
Pothole on Hanover Way

Which are the worst roads, and most dangerous pavements in West Windsor? Do you have problems with inconsiderate, or dangerous parking?

Some of our roads are in very poor condition, with large potholes, and deteriorating road surfaces damaging our vehicles; bikes, cars, motorcycles, vans, & MPVs.

Some of our pavements are difficult to walk on comfortably by those who are less mobile, and impassable in the snow & ice of winter. This leads to pain, and effective imprisonment for some.

Help us help you

Over the coming months, and years, your Independent Councillors and I will be working with RBWM’s Streetcare team and the Strategic Assets Department to systematically improve our roads and pavements.

RBWM’s Streetcare team and I will tell you more about the work they do in the coming months, including the difference between; (big spend) resurfacing; two part repairs (reinstatements); and (temporary) plugs. But for now, I invite you to…

Be our eyes and ears, and help us help you by telling us what is going on, and what you want.

A catalogue of errors

We will need your help to compile a complete list of potholes, cracks in the road, and dangerous or difficult pavements.

A. Please check your roads and walkways, and email us if you find flaws.

B. Send us a separate email for each road in your area, noting the problem, and the location of the problem;

  • Pothole problems; where they are, how wide, and how deep, and the location e.g. house number/s, or lamp post number
  • Pavements;  type of problem e.g. uneven surface, sunk manhole etc, and the location e.g. house number/s, or lamp post number

C. Send your email to me with a copy to Bob Kirk at – Bob has kindly volunteered to help me coordinate the work to be done with RBWM’s Streetcare Team.

Warning: It could take longer to renovate pavements, especially if they have to be completely leveled and resurface, and also resurface roads. But if we don’t ask, we won’t get.

Road repair man © RBWM
Road repair man © RBWM


The Council have announced a windfall sum of money they wish to spend over the next few months, under the Pothole Challenge scheme.

We have a window of opportunity in Clewer North to plug potholes, and repair roads. From 22nd September 2014 for 2 weeks, RBWM’s Pothole Challenge team, or their contractor Amey, will descend on our ward to renovate our roads, seeking out potholes, cracks and imperfections large and small. The quality of repairs could extend up to the level of 2 part reinstatements.

Contact us quickly to improve our roads

Send your email to me with a copy to Bob Kirk at


Tool boxTools to help you

You can use our form/list,  free work sheet, or free spread sheet, on the post “Pavements & potholes purge – tools for Roads in Clewer North” to help you  check your roads, note your findings, and send the results to us – click here. Then complete the form, and email or post them to myself or Bob Kirk.

Data collated by residents so far

Thank you to those who have participated in the survey

I have asked Streetcare to address the issues raised by residents so far, which I have summarised in the PDF below.

And our survey said…

Pavement & pothole purge results October 2014 – Amended 20:10:14 – click here for results submitted to RBWM in October 2014

PS It’s not to late to help me improve your roads and pavements.


Happy motoring, and safe walking,


Cllr Wisdom Da Costa

Independent Councillor, Clewer North Ward on behalf of the West Windsor Independent Councillors